Dipping Dynamics is a mobile sheep dipping business based at Cavendish, Victoria and dips in excess of 1 million sheep annually throughout Australia. There are mobile sheep dip contractors available in your region and you can find their contact details under ‘Contact us‘.
Recently Dipping Dynamics has designed and built a Flood Immersion Dip (fully patented). Rather than lowering a pen of sheep into a sump charged with chemical, the Flood Immersion Dip brings the dipwash to the sheep via two large hydraulic pumps to completely immerse the sheep in dipwash.
Flood Immersion Dip being inspected by many interested onlookers
The hydraulics for the Flood Immersion Dip is powered via the PTO...
Extensive training for operators
Dipping Dynamics provides extensive training to its employees and contractors to ensure they fully understand the product label and are accredited operators of the types of machines they are using.
Dipping Dynamics Head Office
Phone: 03 5574 2385
Greg’s Mobile Number: 0408 539 473
Email: dippingdynamics@bigpond.com
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